Vision, Mission, and Goals of the Science Education Doctoral Study Program
Becoming a doctoral program in science education that organizes research-based education that is superior and internationally competitive in 2025.
- Organizing quality higher education to produce internationally competitive graduates
- Carrying out quality research activities to support the realization of a research-based doctoral program (research university).
- Develop synergistic cooperation with various parties both at home and abroad.
- Carrying out community service activities based on quality research results to support the realization of a research-based doctoral program (research university).
- Developing an effective and efficient, transparent and accountable governance system
- Organizing quality, effective, efficient, and superior education programs;
- Developing a conducive academic atmosphere in order to create a scientific community on the campus of the University of Mataram;
- Developing a research culture among the academic community to encourage the realization of a Research-Based Science Education Doctoral Program;
- Developing a culture of community service based on research results among the academic community to encourage the realization of a Research-Based Science Education Doctoral Program;
- Developing cooperation with other parties, both at home and abroad in order to improve program performance in a sustainable manner.